New Clients

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New Client Registration

If you have recently been referred by a veterinarian, please take the time to fill out and submit the registration form below. Our fillable PDF paperwork form is also required and can be downloaded via the links to the right. Once the PDF form is completed, please save it using your first/last name as the file name (ie., JohnSmith.pdf, FluffySmith.pdf).


Booking an appointment

If you are scheduling a house-call, please fill out the registration paperwork and I will contact you in 1-2 business days.

If you are not sure if you may benefit from rehabilitation services, please feel free to call or use our general contact form here or discuss your pet’s condition with your regular veterinarian. Dr. Shelley will be happy to assist you via phone/email with most questions. Because every pet’s treatment plan may be different depending on their condition(s), Dr. Shelley will provide you with a cost estimate for her recommended treatment plan after a physical consultation appointment has been performed.

If for any reason the forms and paperwork are incompatible with your browser, please feel free to use our general contact form or call to schedule your appointment.